Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Love. . .

Love is hard, except when it's easy.

I was blessed today to be able to go on a walk with my dad. We talked about life and marriage which I feel lucky to be able to be close so close to my father.

My father and I are so much a like. We butt heads a lot but there are these moments where we speak each other's love language so perfectly that make me wonder why we don't spend more time together (we're to selfish in the same ways 90% of the time, it's the truth ;) ). Today was one of those days. I'd had a hard weekend and a hard Monday. Work is great but handling patients who are so helpless are hard, dealing with economical hardship (aka enormous school debt), and missing Dylan like crazy are just a few things on my head/ heart. Being able to talk to my dad about these things and knowing he can relate with all of them ( my mom's been gone for a week) and know's how I'm feeling/ thinking since he's very similar to me, was nice.

There are moment's in life where I'm amazed by my dad and that he truly speaks to my heart. Once was when he told me how God always amazingly surprised him with provisions our of nowhere. Today he amazed me again. He talked about how love is great because we are able to enjoy the good times and easy times but love is truly working when you are able to love through the hard and difficult times. How friendships and marriages are not just fair weathered but true love is being able to love through the shit times. He talked about how marriage isn't about being comfortable but about learning and growing from each other. That if we're not learning from each other we're missing a big part of marriage.

I love hearing great knowledge from a man who has made it 40 years in a loving marriage. As I grow older my respect for my father grows. He has taught me how to love and respect my future husband. I am so lucky to have such amazing parents who love so easily and freely. I pray that I am able to be like both of them when I am older.

1 comment:

From Claire With Love said...

Yay! I'm so glad that you have them. And lots of Love too. :) Keep blogging, sister. Love you!!