Saturday, November 29, 2008

Joy and Brian


Some of you may know that my friends, Brian and Joy, have moved out here to Japan. Currently they live in Zushi which is near the Yokosuka Base where Brian works for the Navy.

I went down last night (Friday, which was also Thanksgiving day for America)and we all got to go out the dinner. Afterward we walked to their house which is a good 30 minute walk from their house. Pretty crazy. What was even weirder was that right before I got to their station some random person gave them a Fugu which is a type of blow fish. . .in a 1liter bottle. It was a baby so it was tiny but they had NO idea what it was or what really to do with it. Joy said we should toss it out into the river on our way back but Brian and I thought they should try and keep it. Maybe Joy's idea would have been better because by morning it was dead. . . sleeping at the bottom of the bottle all upside down. It was kind of sad actually.

Today, Joy and I headed to the Navy base since I've never really been on a base much. Once at the Fussa base in Tokyo but just to go to a house for lunch but never to walk around really. It was interesting. We went and got a piece of American pizza for lunch and we got to go on Brian's boat and he gave us a tour. Oh, he had to work that day. We also got some rootbeer floats at A and W which was weird. It was weird to basically be back in America essentially. Really weird. And there were no stop signs or lights. I saw one light on the base and that was about it. weird.

but here are some pics for our day.


Brian has issues with smiling. . . he has to make himself laugh. Weird huh? :)


Take 2 :)


The poor Fugu. . .


Joy and their house!!!!


Walking to the station.


The leaves are changing. . . a bit late but still beautiful


That is the river JOy wanted to toss the Fugu in . . .


Koi in the river! Huge koi


Us at the station


Brian's boat


Brian trying to smile again :) hahahhahahha




The Washington. . a huge aircraft carrier


With Brian we always take two pics. . .the first one was nice. .


It's the second one that came out odd. . .ggggrrrrrreat.


good ol American pizza

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