Friday, February 4, 2011

Last night I dreamed that I had been working all day and that a bunch of us girls ( my sister and my friend, Camille, are the only ones i can remember) were going to a party. We were all dressed up. I had a dress on, knee high black boots, and I'd put glitter all over my face and done my eyes up. We were going to a huge party.

As we were driving a little girl ran across the street. To miss her I swerved but I ended up running over a kid's foot. We stopped the car and got out. The boy seemed okay but was just laying on his back. He was responsive. I yelled at the girl's parents to call 911. The kid on the ground sat up and grabbed his foot and checked it out. It was broken at the ankle. The ambulance came and we headed on our way.

We got to the party and it was already going. I don'r remember a lot from this part of my dream. Just clips of it. Us dancing, laughing, and drinking.

The next day I woke up in my bed. I was so sleepy but I rubbed my face and it felt weird. It was bumpy and not a glitter bumpy but my face itself was bumpy.

I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had all these red dots all over my face and I could see the descending aorta going down my neck. And I hadn't turned the light on. IT was dark still in the bathroom but for some reason each little bump was bright red. I turned on the light and could see the bumps and I squeezed one and a bunch of liquid came shooting out of it. All the bumps were filled with some clear fluid. The glitter caused an allergic reaction on my face.

My dream cut to my Anatomy and Physiology class and the teacher was talking about something to do with the circulatory system and it had to be at the same time I got there. He was closing the blinds and turned off the lights and my face lit up. Everyone got excited but mostly thought it interesting and wondered why I glowed red dots. And my teacher said it must have something to do with my blood because you could see the major artery too.

I sat down and class proceeded.

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