Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Job

I started my new job on Monday and so far so good. I am working at an adult foster care home. It's not a foster home for adults. The house has 5 residents and I stay over night for 4 days and basically do cooking, cleaning, and caregiving like at an assisted living facility. I love my residents. It's hard work and a lot to remember but I'm getting the hang of it. I'm sure the first couple months will be a lot to get use to but it's nice to have a steady job. I'm thankful for the stability of a good job, good bosses, the ability to have health insurance in the near future, and so much more.

yayayyayyaya for a job!!!!


You're My Ichiban said...

Yay Mel, good luck in your job, sounds like a very rewarding one x

I'm Elliana said...

Old people are my passion! My dream is to have an adult foster care and like 10 kids all at once! job ever besides being a mommy (although, I get no health benefits, except laughter)!