Sunday, July 24, 2011

Katy Perry Concernt

Last night I got to go to the Katy Perry Concert and it was AMAZING! Bubbles, foam sprayed at us, glitter and glitz fell on us, and there were fireworks too!! My friend, Becky, knows Katy and is good friends with her sister. We got tickets in the pit (the area right around the stage) and tickets to the meet and greet afterwards! Katy said she loved how my nails matched my dress! Yes, a bit silly but in all honesty, she is the best concert I've EVER gone too. . . not because her lyrics rock or her music is life revealing but SHE'S a GREAT ENTERTAINER! She road in a cotton candy cloud that took her around the auditorium (Rosegarden) which was packed. She changed clothes a million times. She had great back up dancers. The show had a story/ movie that went a long with her songs. . . kinda. It was a fun bit. I totally would recommend going. It was worth paying nothing to go to it :)

At the meet a greet they had a little photo booth that you could take your pictures and send them to yourself. Here is one of them. I'll post more later.

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