Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Night I died

Last night I dreamt I was in an extremely tall building.

It was not only tall but had a round oval shape on the top.

Kind of like the Space Needle except it felt higher and larger.

At the top of this building was a work out center.

And in my dream I was on a group tour of it.

The people with me I knew but I can’t place a name or a face to them.

Just dream people.

The building began to sway and I looked around.

But everyone kept doing what they were doing.

No one noticed or thought anything of it.

However, as the building swayed and swayed and swayed.

The sways became stronger and stronger.

And all of a sudden, someone flew through the air

Panic ensued.

Then it happened.

The top broke off and I knew I was about to die.

I wondered as I hurdled towards earth if it would be painful.

Falling didn't hurt, Falling felt wonderful.

Like someone brushing a feather across my body.

Even as that question went through my mind, I knew there would be no pain.

It would be instantaneous.

And then, I died.

It was black and I couldn't see my body.

Yet I could feel a warmth spread over me.

It was warm but it was painful.

Like when you put a heating pack on your neck

It’s too hot but its soothing.

Though I knew I was dead I was somehow able to stand.

And was whisked away. Sucked into a void.

When I came out the other side I was in my parents’ house, in the library.

I could see my parents but I can’t remember if they could see me.

I looked around the room at all the familiarity.

The desk, the books, the sad plant sitting in the corner of the window.

My body became warm and I knew I was dying all over again.

And before I could look at my parents, it turned dark.

And I was sucked into the void once more.

I woke up startled and wondered if I had a stroke or a heart attack.

That I’d heard somewhere that if you fall and hit the ground that it’s really your body having a heart attack or stroke.

I freaked out a bit. It felt so real.

I remember the falling, the hitting, and the being pulled from reality.

But like most nights I quickly fell back to sleep and dreamt some more.


Joy Jill Barker said...

Soooo did you have a heart attack? Or stroke? Did you see a doc? Or psychiatrist maybe? Sounds kinda crazy. Glad you didn't die in your sleep :)

Kate S. said...

Did you feel sad or afraid when you woke up in the morning, or did you feel just fine?