Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas and New Years

Hey Everyone!!!

Sorry it has been forever in updating but here are some pics from the last few weeks here in Japan. I've had a nice break for the holidays. I spent 3 days in Aichi with my friend, Yukiko, who I met at NOVA. I also spent around 2 weeks with my friends, Brian and Joy, who live near a Navy base in Kanagawa. Enjoy


Merry Christmas morning!!!! Actually Brian had to be on his ship by noon so we had a special Christmas breakfast and then headed to the base.


It was a yummy breakfast


Merry Christmas dog.


Now that's an ugly ornament


Yeayyayayyay for ipods

(sorry mom. . . . no pics of me opening. I'm sorry. . . )

That night Elizabeth, a friend from church, Joy, and I all baked away for the next day.


Here is Beth making her grandma's rice pudding


Me making crust for the pie. . . much easier with a box crust then having to make it by scratch


The final product :)

The next day we all just hung out and played games and cooked up dinner


Beth and I freezing in the Barker's house


Brian and his foster dog.


Playing games


Time to cook the turkey


I've never stuffed a turkey before. . . it was very interesting. . .

Oh, we had sooo many problems with Joy's stupid oven too. . . . it's different then the ovens back home where for some reason you have to light it each time you want to use it and it doesn't always catch for some reason. . . . so we though we'd lite it when we put the turkey in but apparently we hadn't and an hour and a half passed by before we realized this because the oven would be warm but it wouldn't heat up all the way. In the end we turned the gas off and on again and that did the trick. But their oven really is a pain.


We didn't have a thermometer that worked so in the end we cut it to check that the meat was cooked. . . none of us died so apparently it was :)

New Years Eve we went bowling. . .actually the day before new years eve we went bowling because Brian had to work on New Years eve so we celebrated it early. It was a lot of fun.


Joy and me watching "Penelope" on the real New Years Eve. She fell asleep off and on from 10-11:30 and ended up going to bed at 11:30pm. Oh, well. . . I stayed up way past that time. . oops.

Well, my 2008 was a good one. . . a lot has changed and gone by in this one year. Strange to think that my time here in Japan is coming to an end too but if all goes well I'll be back before too long. Please keep me in your prayers and thanks for all your emails and updates. It means a lot ot me while I'm over here in Japan. Blessings and God bless.


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