Saturday, May 23, 2009


When we came back from Shinagawa we headed to Kamakura where there is a famous Buddha (my pictures of the Buddha are on a different camera and card so that will come later.). After going to the Daibitsu (means large Buddha) we had dinner in Kamakura too. My family had never had Okonomiyaki before so we decided to try some that night.

Okonomiyaki is like a "pancake" type meal but soooo different at the same time. It isn't sweet like pancakes but has cabbage, meat, and other veggies and you mix it together and cook it on a hot plate. Afterwords you put a sauce on top . . .it's special Okonomiyaki sauce, then you also put cut up seaweed on top of that and then mayo. We didn't put mayo because my family didn't want it but then in the end they sucummed. hee hee hee. Okonomiyaki isn't Okonomiyaki without mayo. I'm not a big mayo advocate but I do like it on Okonomiyaki.




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