Friday, January 18, 2008

The 411 on life

Okay so here is an update finally! Sorry its taken me soooo long to update but if you had to pay .44 cents a minute you'd limit your internet usage too.


Happy New Years to you all! I hope that you all had a good New Years. I can't believe how quick 2007 went and now it's already 2008 and I'm about to turn 25 too next month. Crazy.

Here are some quick updates on what has been happening since Christmas. I'll try to put it in order of occurance.

1. I was able to hang out with all my friends and family in Oregon while on vacation. . .at least all those who contacted me. :)

2. I got a call from Interac (the ALT job I had applied for and thought I had a job with in April of 08) saying since NOVA wasnt going to renew my visa and since I wasnt working till April they couldnt help me with my visa. I cried. But too busy in Oregon to really worry about what to do in Japan.
3. I left for Hawaii with my family for 2 weeks. We spent a few days in Waikiki on O'ahu and then left for Maui, the Big Island, Kaui, and we sailed around a bunch of the other islands too. IT was sooo beautiful and great to be able to catch up with my family.

3. I was able to see Lisa Goe in Lahaina on Maui. Got burnt to a crisp too :) hahahhahaha. Maui was beautiful.

4. Was able to worry about Japan and waht was going to happen. Worried for about 24 hours. Prayed and realized it all was out of my control so why imagine I was in control and why worry. Enjoyed the rest of the cruise thoroughly.

5. Went Parasailing on The Big Island (Kona to be exact. . .I think . Kona or Hilo).

6. Went Kayaking in Kawai!!!!! Amazing. Got eaten alive by mosquitos. Got asked once if I was in high school and another time asked how old I really was. He didnt believe the age on my license.

7. Saw the Maligros. Tagen and Aveda are amazingly cute! Kaui was mine and my families favorite island.

8. Celebrated Grandma's 80th again. I'm glad since I missed the first party.

9. Said my goodbye's and headed for home. . .aka the land of the rising sun. . . aka Japan.

10. Arrived 2 days before Tatsuya so I was able to rest and hang out with my friends.

11. Tatsuya came back from Hokkaido on our 3 month anniversary.

12. On the 16th (Same day as Tatsuya came home) I had an interview with my roommates school but wasnt really at peace about it since I really wanted to work for Interac and was worried I'd compromise what I thought was right. I was afraid I'd lie to get the job and the renewed VISA and then leave in April for Interac and I didnt want to do that. That day I told my roommate that if I was suppose to work for INterac it would have all worked out. maybe I was suppose to work someplace else for the year. But inside I didnt feel confident about that. I told her that whatever happens will happen. I ended up printing out my resume the day before (I'd gone to another interview but the company wasnt hiring people who's Visa expires in less then 4 months. Not me) but I saw a little type on the resume. It wasnt a big deal but I wanted it to look professional so I decided to go to an internet cafe and retype it. BUT for some reason thecomputer wouldnt let me. I checked my email and surprisingly I had an email from Interac. It said that I'd been selected by a Tokyo school district! I was soo confused. I thought they told me in Dec. it wouldnt work. So I called them and let them know about my visa and they said they would help me get a new visa!!!! I have to have a different visa then I have now. Mine is ”Specialist in Humanities/ International. . .Something". I guess I need a different one . . sooo. . . long story short. Visa problems taken care of.

13. NOw I just need some work to take care of me through till April. Please pray for me to find a part time job. . .or more privates. Currently I have 6 privates. . .I need more like. . . 25 or something. Really I need a part time job. I will be okay for this month and maybe. . .next month. Please pray. I know and trust the Lord. HE will provide for me. He has already shown me that with my Visa and my job. I was open and okay with coming back in February but I'm pretty sure I'm suppose to stay another year. Please pray for me and that my needs would be filled and that I would trust God to fill them.

14. Yeah. . . so I could have gotten unemployment but NOVA didnt send me my Dismissal Notice whiche I need to apply for unemployment. I went to Unemployment . . aka. Hello Work. They are processing my unemployment in the hopes that NOVA will send me my notice. I've faxed them my new address and a request for my notice but am not holding my breath. I have till February 14th to get the notice so. . .we'll see. REally I'm looking for work. I'll never rely on a company for my needs. NEVER! But Unemployment would help.

15. I think that's about it. . . uptodate now. . .okay here come the pictures. . . .

Love you all and pray that your January is a good one.

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