Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oregon Winter

Mmmmmmmm . . . .what to say. . so here is my latest update. I am again doing an all nighter because I can't fall asleep/ don't want to sleep for 2 hours and then get up but I may. . . tomorrow my family is flying to Hawaii for a cruise!!! I'm sooooo excited. Actually I'd be happy staying here but it will be fun and I will be able to see friends in Hawaii too. Hopefully.

Update on Japan. . . . well, my loan company has said they will work with me about my payments so I'm not too worried about that BUT I still need to finda job when I return to Japan sooo. .. if I can find a job in January I will stay in Japan. I guess I need to process all my paper work a month before my visa expireds soooooo . . . .it will be Lord willing. We'll see. Please pray for me. I'd like to stay another year and it looks like it would work out if I can find a job to carry me till April. I have a company I would like to work with in April BUT I have to find a job till April. And my visa is going to run out in February. SO. . . again . . .Lord willing.

Here are some more pictures from today.


my friend Lindsay with my glasses on.


I got to have lunch with my friend Stephen from Santa Barbara.


Lindsay and I went to the Red Thai Room in Silverton.


our pretty drinks :)


Craigy poo and Noomy (or like I like to say Croomy)


We then headed to teh Silvergrill to listen to some live music and sip on cider


Me and my cider

By Oregonians. Love you all.

1 comment:

Ryan A. said...

dude. just read all the past blogs about nova and junk. thats MESSED UP. I rea-a-ally hope you can get back to Japan! If you miss your Visa renewal, you can't get a new on april from the other company that hired you?