Saturday, March 13, 2010

Real Update

I realized that most of you guys out there have no REAL idea of what I'm doing. I mean besides my adventures with Chris.

Recently, I've gotten accepted into a CNA program and am waiting patiently (Sp?) to see if I got my grant that will pay for it all and a bit more. The long term goal is to become a nurse but since I can't apply to the nursing program till this fall I will try to get my CNA (certified nursing assistant) certification so I can work and see if this is for me. I have some prerequisites I have to finish before applying to the nursing program too. I have about 1 class a term. I did get into the Chemistry class needed to get into the anatomy/ physiology series required for the nursing program. So, Yay.

I know you're wondering if I've given up on photography but I haven't. I have 2 weddings booked this summer which isn't much but it's a start.

To be honest I feel like life is finally moving. Since moving back from Japan I've felt like I was flailing. I tried photography but the debt of my student loans were crushing me. I've gotten past that really and am just figuring out what is best for me. I love photography and know it will always be a part of my life but I've come to realize there are dreams inside me that are much bigger then being a photographer. For example; marriage, family, being debt free, etc.

So far the doors seem to be opening with the nursing.

I am especially thankful for my parents for all their help, support, and love. I don't know what I would have done without them. The Lord really blessed me with amazingly understanding, patient, and encouraging parents. Thanks.

Also thanks to my friends who have been praying for me and supporting me in this shitty time. yes, I said shitty. . as my mom said, "some times there is only one word you can use to describe something." And so there you have it.

Love you all.

1 comment:

Joy Jill Barker said...

I agree with your mom :) Glad things are moving along finally. We are praying for you and hope that things will continue to progress in the right direction :)