Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hugely Obese

My mom just came in to relay a story my sister in law told her about her friend who is a nurse. Well, this friend apparently has a hugely obese patient who he was sponge bathing. As you can imagine he had to lift up all the folds of fat on this man to clean between them. Apparently, between one of these folds was a half eaten rotten tuna sandwich (ironically I just ate a tuna sandwich before my mom told me this story). There was more to this story but I am sharing this story mostly because I thought it sad. I wish him well wherever he is because we all have the potential to become hugely obese.

1 comment:

Joy Jill Barker said...

Gross... are you saying that we all have the potential to become hugely obese by eating tuna sandwiches?? At least it wasn't a cheeseburger right? Pretty sad. And your niece's face looks terrible!