Saturday, October 20, 2007


I want to keep you all up to date with the wonderful life of working at NOVA.

So we still haven't gotten paid yet. . . they say supposibly we should be getting paid on the 25th but most of us think that is a load of crap but we'll see. Most teachers aren't working anymore or are taking random days off since we aren't getting paid and it looks like we won't be. The Japanese staff haven't even gotten paid for August's pay check . . . so they are going on two months. Crazy. I am working today but I'm not sure about the next day or what to do really. Tatsuya and I talked about it and we agreed that I should work today. If I didn't I'd probably feel bad the whole day for not going in.

What do you think I should do?

I am not sure waht I'm going to do about work or Japan at the moment. It looks like home is what will happen becuase of my student loans but I'd like to stay here for certain reasons. But I trust in the Lord and know that His will is good and that what will happen will happen so I'm not too worried. But just with work, not getting paid, student loans, Japan or America, Tatsuya and myself. . .etc. . .it's a bit much these days. But it's teaching me to lay down a BURDIN.

By the by I have a great boyfriend. . . .last night we were talking about NOVA and I was a bit worried because of what was happening and he just looked at me and said "Melody, worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Today, think about today. Let tomorrow take care of itself. I will pray for you tomorrow that you won't be so stressed out. But for now lets enjoy tonight. . . " He's a good man.

On a lighter note. . . I went to a gallary yesterday with my roommate in Roppongi. I got two free tickets to this Vermeer exhibition but in the end they only had like 1 picture by him the rest were by other dutch artests. It was nice but not worth what my student paid for them. Also it was a let down because they really pushed that it was a Vermeer exhibition. Weird huh? But we saw that there were some really cool exhibitions in other rooms but we had to pay for those so opted on not going seeing as we have no income these days. . . .hahahhah . . ha.

here are some pics from that though.
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it was pretty cool building. . . I didn't really capture it though. . .sorry. . .

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The inside of the building.

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weird children in house shirts. . . .I imagine Lisa Goe in one of these singing "Smile". It made me smile.
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My lovely roommate and I digesting after eating and walking around the gallary.
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Me making a funny face. . . don't ask me why I'm posting it but I look funny so I thought you all would enjoy it too.

Love you all.

God bless

1 comment:

Ryan A. said...

DUDE merodii

Im going back home soon. Nov 14. Amazing how fast it goes by isnt it? Just have your boy move to America :) Im sure he would LOVE oregon! dude...i wanna move to oregon. i miss green.