Thursday, February 28, 2008

megane/ glasses

(sorry the pics with my glasses and the one after are not uploading correctly so please wait for a later date. thanks)

So I've decided to buy glasses. . . they are a lot cheaper here then in America. . . about 70 dollars for the perscription and frames and exam. Dirt cheap and contacts are still around 20 bucks for a box which will last me a good month and a half. I'll buy them too but not as often and not as much. I'm slowly getting use to them though. . It's weird. Tatsuya fancies them on me though so that's a plus. I think it just accents the HUGE head I have. Hee hee hee. OH, well. . .what can I do. . I'm cheap.

While I was glass shopping we found a fun shop with funny glasses. . . I was going to get these but they definetly would highlight my big head. hahahhaha


THis past week I had a pretty bad cold. . . .influenza is going around here in Japan. It's pretty bad in the winter. My friend, Amy, got a pretty bad case of something lungy and I had a lungy thing for about a week and half and am just getting it out of my system completely this week. But I was homesick and missing my mom's stew so she sent me the recipe and I made it. It tasted just like her's too except I added Garlec stems which are nice.


March 3rd is Girl's day in Japan where they celebrate daughters. Most women when they are born are given a set of dolls. . .Japanese dolls that are realy expensive and they set them out on this day. Two of my private students are friends and they invited me over to one of their houses to make girl's day food so I got to go over and learn how to make this food. Ironically most of the food is sea food but it was goood. I had Clams in some soup, salmon eggs and shrimp and nori (seaweed). It was all good except the eggs. Ugh. . .they were a bit salt. ;) but still okay. The women in this picure are Yuri (on the left) and Keiko (on the right). I will have more pics of this up later.

Love you all!

1 comment:

Natalie and Lily said...

I wanna see the head enlarging specs!!!! (: