Friday, February 1, 2008

These people make me laugh

So here is a bit of a break from the "Hawaii Saga. . .".

IT was amazing. . . it snowed in Tokyo last week for a day. I guess it rarely snows in Tokyo so that's pretty amazing in itself!!!! I was really excited.







These two crazy girls are Bernice and Amy (just to let you know David). . they make me laugh. Like milk out the nose laughing. Amy and I are addicted to Arrested Development.

Here are some great Karaoke moments


Ryan A. said...

oh i miss japan.

why no videos of you? maybe there are but i didnt watch every one of them. i think after 3 i was done watching people i dont know sing karaoke.

dude, when i come back lets have a karaoke bash.

Natalie and Lily said...

C'mon, I know you were singin' where's you're video!?!!??! Do your friends know you posted this?