Thursday, February 21, 2008

Unpaid wages


Can I just tell you how happy I am today. Well, I've VERY happy for many reasons but the image above is probably one of the biggest reasons I'm happy TODAY! Yes, the Japanese government is coming through and starting to repay our back wages and it's a lot of money. . . mom, lets just say it's enough to pay off my credit cards and have some fun afterwards! Boooyah!

Another reason I'm happy today is because I cleaned my rooom and re organized the closet and got some container thingies at the 100 yen store to help organize it all.

Another reason I'm super happy is that Tatsuya got offered a job last night and had a second interview with another company! But he still has many companies to interview with. He's praying for an international company. . Goldman Sachs. . . Neiman Brothers. . . .other ones I don't know ;) But it's good that he already has offers!

Also I just picked up my new visa and it's for 3 years!!!!! Wow, my last one was for only 1 years. So that's pretty cool ( I know this may not seem like a "yay" for some but for me it's good. In case I do stay next year I dont' have to worry about applying again. )

I start training for my new job March 25-28th. I am also looking to move towards where I'll be working since my roommmate is sadly leaving Japan in the summer. I have a friend who lives in that area (Nerima) and she likes it a lot. She only pays around 500 for her own place. The station is a good station too. There are a few train lines that go through it and one of them is the same one that Tatsuya lives on. But he lives on the other end of the line. I have a good friend, Yukiko, that lives near Nerima too so that will be nice. Pray I can find a place that is affordable to move into by May. I know the Lord will provide. He has done so since I"ve been here.

I love you all.

1 comment:

Natalie and Lily said...

Nana says: WOOO HOOO!!!! Yippee!! Except for that whole three year thing [insert raspberry].