Wednesday, April 2, 2008

haircut/ perm

so there isn't much difference with the perm but it was a good price sooo. . . and she said it might come out quickly and if it does I can go back in for free. . .she said because my hair is virgin. I'm happy with the subtle changes with my hair. Thinking of going shorter still. . . at least in the back.


I like it. .


I really like cherry blossoms


Yukiko and I enjoying the sakura. . .


Ryan A. said...

love the hair! very japanese :) i miss my fukuoka stylist.

Natalie and Lily said...

I love your hair, I'm always jealous. (:

David said...

Pretty! ^_^

Mk said...

thanks you guys. I love my perm too . . .it's not all kinky like American perms. Yayyayaa. . .