Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Friends

I am happy to say I've found a home church! It is a ways from my house but not too bad. I am in a Bible study, part of a magazine, and part of the media team tooo. . .all this happened in like 2 months. . . more like 2 weeks. Crazy huh? I really do like my new church. It's called "Jesus Lifehouse". Last weeks sermons were amazing too. . . one was about going up the mt. with God and how our lives should change etc as we go up. It was really good. The later sermon was about loving God and if we do love God.


I don't know the name of the girl on the left but the middle girl is Nicky and then Noel


My life group leader, Tess, who is amazing!

I'm glad I found a home church here in Japan. :)

1 comment:

Ryan A. said...

sweeeeeeeeet glad you found a church kiddo!

thats one thing that was hard for me in fukuoka. not really having a church with people my age