Saturday, April 19, 2008

Melody! Melody! Melody!

I just started my new job as an assistant English teacher and so far I am loving it!!!

My first day I didn't teach but just introduced myself to the other teachers and prepared my introductions with all the students. I had a lot of fun and there are 2 other teachers who are new also which is nice. We are all about the same age too which is fun.

So far I've taught the 3rd year students and most of the 2nd year students but I have the first year and 2 of the second year students to teach also.

My English teachers are:

3rd year: Hyuga Sensei: she is a great teacher to teach with. She's great with the kids and really knows how to handle the class. She's in her late 40's. She's very motherly looking. Sweater and turtle neck look.

2nd year: Yuko Sensei: She is in her early 40's and is very little. She has a hard time communicating in English with me but her pronunciation is good. She's very nice but it's hard for me to completely understand what she wants me to do. Or what she's thinking.

1st year: Kawamata Sensei: He is in his late 40s or even early 50's. He is a smokey man. . .a man of few words but is kind. He is WAY laid back and may go well or may not go well team teaching with him. we'll see. I'm a bit worried to teach with him.

1st/ 2nd year: Tatsuya (Urano) Sensei: He's the new teacher. I'm not sure how this will go seeing as he's not very confidant in his teaching skills and neither am I but we are both looking to each other for guidance but end up with nothing. . . nah, that's not true but it did take us like and hour and a half to decide on a lesson plan for our classes together where as the other teachers basically gave me a 10 minute gist and I then planned alone and checked it with them. Tatsuya needed a step by step meeting. . . which is fine seeing as he and Kawaho sensei (new pe teacher) and I are kind of a clan as the newbies.

Kawaho sensei is a good friend too. she's really nice and has already invited me to have a drink or dinner with her. We also hopefully will go bowling sometime :) she is alot busier then me since she is a real teacher unlike me as an assistant :) She's also a well known softball player in japan I guess. . . not professional but 1st draft from college I think. But is soooo sweet and was super welcoming to me.

Everyone at school has been very welcoming. The school counselor has driven me to the station twice since I have to walk to and from school. She was soooo kind.

The students are amazing too. . . all of them shout out my name when they see me. hahahhah "Melody! Melody! Melody!" or "Hellllllooooooo Melody!" :) hee hee heee. I love hearing them call my name out. I love speaking with them every day. :) I hope they enjoy hanging out with me too.

Thanks for all your prayers! I know that God heard your voices and that was why my week was great. I pray that this next week is as amazing. I still have 1st year introductions and then I will be teaching my first lessons with 3rd and 2nd years. Please pray for me. Sorry if I haven't kept it touch but I love you all and pray you're doing well.


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