Monday, March 10, 2008

I've realized yet again that I know nothing...

I've come to really embrace the verses in Proverbs talking about man preparing for the day but the Lord will lead his foot steps and such. . . . I'm not a titled missionary but I'm coming to understand trusting in nothing but the Lord and completely relying on my faith in Him to provide for me which He has and always will. Just an update on that. . .I have another interview with an ALT company on Friday and I actually just heard back from Interac and they are seeing if a position in Saitama (where I live) will pass and if that happens then we are a GO! hahahhah the ups and downs of Japan. I've been pretty stress free though so that's good.

I just got a pay stub from Japan too saying my wages should be deposited soon. Yayyayayyayy (mom :)). I must say that I'm soooo thankful for my mom and dad right now and for the most part ALWAYS! If I didnt have family and my parents I think that life would be sooooooooooooo much harder for me. Not that I dont trust in the Lord for my needs and my life but He has also blessed me with parents who want to be a part of my life and who love and care for me. I'm not going to say "no" to that :). It has been such a blessing to have a loving family and loving parents. I can't tell you how much it has blessed me. . .beyond words. So thank you mom and dad, jason and anna, glen, scott and brandie, paul and wendee, beth and erik. I love you all and you being a part of my life is soo important. Even if I'm in Japan and you're in America. I hope you know that I love you and think of you often. I think I'm the luckiest youngest sister in the world. I may have been picked on and bullied by my older sibs at times but life now is as close to perfect as I can imagine. I love my sibs and their partners. I love my nieces and some day nephews. I love my parents. And they all love me. . .who could ask for more? Hmm? Who could ask for more? My life is sooo full of love that even when the downs come it can't take me tooo low because there is just TOOOO much happiness in my life.

Thanks family.

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