Thursday, March 6, 2008

Prayer Request

Dear Friends and Family,

I am writting though about a prayer request. Recently I was hired by Interac and it was an answer to a lot of prayers. I had to wait till April though to start because that is when the schools here start up their new year. Well, last month I got placed about 30 minutes from my house which was a HUGE answer to my prayer too. I also recieved a 3 year visa which is kind of unheard of. My rooommate actually only recieved a 1 year visa. Anyways, when I returned back to Japan in January I was pretty much 50/50 on staying in Japan or returning back to the states. I was really open to the Lord's will and what He wants me to do. Well, in less then a week I had my job at Interac (which I'd thought I woudlnt be able to work at.), they would give me a new visa (my old visa ended in February), and the job itself had GREAT days off, weekends, holidays, etc. It was an answer to many prayers. Well, today I just found out that the scool district I was going to work for has pulled its contract from Interac so now I have no placement. It also means that I won't start in April like planned. Interac is still promising me a job but it could be as late as August but as early as May. I just depends on when and where teachers are needed. you see they always have teachers who randomly quit or transfer and they also always pick up new school districs later on in the year. SOOOOOOO. . .there are no garentees (like usual) and no time promises.

SOOOOOO. . . please pray about what I should do. I could find a part time job to pay for my expenses till Inerac has a place for me, I could return back to the US (I'm open to but I really don't feel at peace about it since I really feel like the Lord wans me to stay here at least another year. but another photographer in Portland has been contacting me about working together as a portrait/ wedding photography company.), also I have recently been working at Grace Christian Fellowship, the church I originally came to 2 years ago as a volunteer, this week and next week. Well, Pastor Jonathan has asked me to pray about doing an internship with the church. I'd work at the church and school 3 hours per day and live in a communal housing, learn japanese, etc. They would pay for my housing and other costs. I'd be recquired to cover food, my student loans, and other things. I would probably have to be supported partially and work outside of the church partially. I'd also have to move, etc. Soooo. . . .it's a lot of stuff to think about.

To be honest I have NO idea what the Lord wants me to do besides be here. . now. I know He will provide for me and I know that His will is good. I just don't know what that is. Just like Interac and Japan I feel like that the Lord will just plop it in my lap and it won't be a forced thing. I usually freak out a bit and then the Lord just calms me down and reminds me that He is my provider and that no matter what I do His way is best. So just sit back, pray, and trust in Him.

Mostly I'd just like to ask you guys to pray with me for what I'm suppose to do and that I'll be able to follow the Lord's guidance.

Thank you for all your prayers thus far. I am not afraid about the money because I know the Lord will provide and I'm not afraid of much right now but I know my parents are and it is a bit daunting at the same time.

Love you all and again I cannot say how much it means to know that you are praying for me.


1 comment:

Wells said...

i will be praying for you hon and i miss you!