Saturday, March 29, 2008


Hey Everyone!

How are you all doing? Does anyone look at this blog beside my mom? I hope you are all doing well. A few updates. . . I finished training for my new job as an ALT yesterday. I will start April 14th and I can't wait but it sounds very challenging!!! Please, pray that I will be able to prove I'm a good teacher and that I will work hard to win the school's approval because it sounds hard. Actually, kind of scary to be honest! A lot of school politics but that is what happens when you live in another country and teach in the public school system.

mmm. . . I am doing well with Tatsuya and I breaking up. It's been 2 weeks today. The first week was pretty shakey but at the end of the 2nd has gone well. I think waking up at 7am and having traingin all day helped. I really do thank the Lord for being busy the second week. mmm. . . training was good. I really liked my trainers.

I have started to take Japanese lessons twice a week at a Christian center here in Tokyo. It's really good so far. I will take 2 lessons a week for 3 weeks and then becuase of work I will change to once a week. I will find a private tutor/ friend to converse with once a week in just Japanese. 頑張ります. I am also taking piano lessons from one of my English students. . . she's like. . in her 50s or 60s and use to teach music in the public schools and. . . now does private lessons.

Right now Spring is starting and the Cherry Blossums are blooming and it's beautiful! My friend, Ai, and I went Hanami-ing in Jujo and Iitabashi area. IT was soooo beautiful!!! Today was the perfect day to go look at the Cherry Blossums!!!! Here are some pics.




We had these Japanese desserts that are pretty good.. I forget what they are called. . .Taika or something. ..Tai is a type of fish and that is why its a fish shape. . ..but usually on the inside there is Anko . .a red bean paste. . .but I had cream in mine which was nice. We could watch them make it too.

Well, I hope you are all doing well. Love you all.



Natalie and Lily said...

I love the spring time pics! It's spring here too! And to answer your question yes we're still reading your blog. I check it everyday. (: Can't wait to see you again.


David said...

I am SO JEALOUS. How many times have I told you that? You are getting to see and experience all the cool stuff in Japan that I have been dreaming about.

Breaking up sucks, but I'm glad you're alright. I think it's awesome that you're taking piano lessons! Again - jealous. If I knew how to play the piano, I would make crazy electronic music on a NORD. If you are ever in a big music store and they have a keyboard section, go play around on one. They are awesome.