Monday, March 17, 2008

Kinugawa Onsen

SO I just finished a one night stay at Asaya in Kinugawa, Tochigi. It's an area with a lot of hot springs and a lot Ryokans (Japanese traditional hotels). Mine happens to be a mix of western and Japanese bedrooms. Mine happens to end up being western.

I got here last night at around 5pm and headed straight for the roof where the open air onsen is. . .it was amazing! I was able to watch the end of a sunset and see teh stars come out. The air is sooooo clean here compared to Tokyo too. The area is beautiful. Reminds me of someplace I've been but can't quit remember. The package included room, dinner, lunch, Onsen, and. .. yeah. All together with travel it was around 170 dollars all together which is a good price. A good price for a vacation.

I mostly onsened and ate then I went to my room and they ahve internet so I played on there and then journald a bit and went to bed by 11pm. Slept in till 7:30 and had breakfast. Unfortunately I couldnt Onsen again today becuase lucky me. period started last night. So I go to enjoy cramps instead of a nice hot spring. Sorry if htis is too much. . I should sensor my blogs. Ooops.

As I was journaling today and praying I read about Hezakai(sp?) in 1 Kings and how he was a man of God. Well, he got ill and The Lord sent a prophet to tell him that he should get his life in order becuase he would die soon. Well, he prayed ot the Lord and He heard him. Well, the Lord added 15 years to his life. . .just for him to go and show the Babalonian's all his kingdom and treasures and for the Lord to tell him that his kindom would someday be empty and even some of his family would perish becuase of what he did. . . mmm and then he died and was buried with his fore fathers. Oh, and when Hezakai heard this he said it was good and then died. . . I dont know where I'm going with this but I wish Tatsuya was a Christian. Not just so we could be together and have babies but so that he would have a better life and have hope and eternal life and he wouldn't have to carry such a heavey burdon all the time.

Please pray for him.

I got to talk to aubrey today which was nice. We got to talk about breaking up with men we love becuase of our faith. It was good to talk to her even if it was only for 13 minutes because her line started to skip out.

Anyways, I'm doing okay and as they say. . . time will heal all wounds. . . .whatever that means. Time won't but God may. Is that a bit synical? mmmm. . .I am a Lewis. . .wow, this blog is going down hill. I'll end now.

Love you all.

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