Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Ode to an old apartment and living above a tempura restraunt

Well, I don't know if I really agree with my title but I'm sure my roommate. . . ex-roommate that is, would agree. Yesterday I was in Saitama visiting my old roommate to help her move into her new apartment. Bernice and I have been here for over 2 years now. We came on the same day, had the same training together, and have lived with each other since last April. She has gone through many a roommates and has decided to step out on her own finally. Tired of finding people to fill empty rooms with, she now is the proud renter of a a 1DK. Her apartment is a nice loft. VERY big, kitchen, bathroom and toilet are separate, and it has a lot of storage space. It's great for a single person and what's best of all is that it is above a tempura restaurant. The landlady is the owner of the restaurant too. She's a very nice old lady who seemed very kind and warm hearted. I fell in love with her instantly! Very sweet.

I felt sad leaving our old apartment but not really since Berns was still over there with her computer and a futon. We had dinner there and watched some Gintama and found a new anime which is pretty good, "Eden of the East". The story is a bit confusing right now but the art is really good. Well, it's different.

On my way back to Joy's and Brian's I realized it would be my last time at the old apt. I gave my key and Berns will be completely moved out by the 16th. I will see her at the end of this month when my family goes and stays with her and then we will meet at the beginning of May before I leave for home. Weird. . .leaving Japan. It still seem so far away but it's not. I become sadder and sadder thinking about it. I realized Berns and I won't be in the same country come May. I haven't always lived near her but we've always been able to see each other or talk to each other easily. It really is strange to think about.

Here are some pics from our day.

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Our last supper at the house. ..actually not but our last made supper. Berns made me a Chicken Curry but it was a fruity curry. It was nice.

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Mango, tomato, onion salad. . .. mmmmm

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I gave Bernice her b'day present early. I made her some green slippers :)

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Packing up the Dove

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Goodbye old house

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Hello new one

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Very airy :)

And Ode to the apartment. . . I am my father's daughter :)


Jessie said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, made me get all teary- goodbye ol' apartment! After all we went through to get that damn contract signed...ah well. Congrats on your new places peoples- and thanks for posting melody! (and luv to bernie's inner poet!) -Jess

sinchare said...

hahah the apartment is 'silent'!

oh im so sad! theres definitely a twinge in my heart to see the apartment so void of stuff (except for mel's room) hahah

and bern's new place is gorgeous!!

Mk said...

aaaah, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the post. I miss you both!!! Yes, it was very sad to say goodbye and to see it all blank. like leaving an old friend. Single tear.