Friday, March 20, 2009

Natto Salad


If you've been following my blog you know that I am trying to eat better. Over all. . not just calories and known junk food but also more balanced and understanding more of what is good for you and what isn't.

I know that most of you won't know what Natto is but if you like you can find it on Wikipedia so I won't really define it in depth. But it is a ferminted soybean and a lot of Japanese eat it here as part of breakfast or other meals. I eat it whenever. Today I had it for lunch with spinach, salad, carrots, and a bit of red onion. Very tasty and if you watch the calories it's very low.

Mmmmmm. . . natto salad. If you have a Japanese store near by you should really try this out. You will either love it or hate it. Natto definetely has its own taste and smell. But I love it.

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